I ask the questions that lets me get to know you, your product or service and what your goals and dreams are. Don't be surprised if you begin to think about things from a different perspective. During the dream phase, I invite you to lay out your ideas, goals and even napkin scribbles so that I can see where you've been and help you get to where you are going.
This is my favorite part of the process. This is where I put into practice what I've learned during the Dream phase. It's here that you'll work directly with me to begin creating a tangible product. It's here that we begin to weed out all of the clutter and focus on what will connect people with your message.
Whether it's launching a new website or getting your first direct mail campaign in a prospects hands, the Delivery phase is where you begin seeing your message presented in a unifed format, designed to create a desired action from your target market.